Married in the Field of Dreams

No, really!

During the Memorial Day weekend, I photographed the wedding of Elizabeth and Andrew Myers at an outdoor area owned by the Middlesettlements UMC called . . . the Field of Dreams!  WHat a great name for a place to get married!

But I wanted to do a special image for them that would take in the beautiful rolling hills around this area.  I wanted to showcase them but still capture the expanse of land around them.  Well, the second part could be done with a wide-angle lens, but then the new Mr. and Mrs. Myers would be tiny in the image.

Fortunately, there is a technique that has been popularized by noted photographer Ryan Brenizer; commonly referred to as "the Brenizer Method," it involves taking a series of images of the couple and around the couple using a shallow depth of field, and then using Photoshop to stitch them all together.

And this is what you get:

The image above took more than 50 separate images to make.

Does it take extra time?  Sure.  When I first saw an example, did I have to learn how to do it?  Yeah.  But . . . it's the Field of Dreams, and a little more effort for my clients is worth it when it makes their wedding pictures special.



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